Denied Social Security Disability Benefits In Florida? Request A Reconsideration

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) provides a safety net when injuries, illnesses, or chronic medical conditions prevent you from working. Unfortunately, despite being eligible to receive SSDI benefits, the majority of claims are denied.
The good news is that many are approved on appeal. Requesting reconsideration is the first step in the process. Our Orlando Social Security disability lawyer explains more about it and the information you will need to provide.
Four Steps In Filing A Social Security Disability Appeal
The Social Security Administration (SSA) provides benefits for people who are unable to work due to long-term disability. If you have a qualifying condition and have earned the required 40 work credits, you are entitled to file a claim. However, it is important to be aware that more than two-thirds are denied by the SSA.
The chances of actually getting benefits significantly increase once you file an appeal. There are four different steps, which the SSA refers to as ‘opportunities’ for getting the disability benefits you are entitled to:
- Request a reconsideration: This is the first step in the appeals process. It basically involves requesting that the SSA reconsider its denial of your claim based on clarifications of important issues or additional evidence you submit.
- Request a hearing before an administrative judge: If the SSA denies your request for reconsideration, you have the right to request a hearing when you can plead your case before an administrative judge.
- Review of hearing decision: If the judge fails to rule in your favor and award benefits, you can have the decision reviewed by the SSA Appeals Council.
- File a district court lawsuit: If your claim continues to be denied, you can file a lawsuit through the local district court.
Information To Provide When Requesting A Reconsideration
Getting a disability claim approved can be a lengthy process. The average wait time for processing an initial Social Security disability claim is six to eight months. If you receive notice of a denial, you have 60 days to file an appeal. Requesting a reconsideration is the first step.
As there are strict time limits, it is important to act quickly. Information you will need to provide:
- Form SSA-561, which is the Request for Reconsideration;
- A Reconsideration Disability Report;
- An Authorization to Disclose Information to the SSA form;
- Any additional medical records that are required to support your claim;
- A written letter stating your desire to file an appeal.
Your letter, medical records, and other information about your case should address the specific reasons your claim was denied, which should be explained in your denial letter.
To Get The Benefits You Are Entitled To, Contact Our Florida Long-Term Disability Lawyer
Unfortunately, Social Security disability denials are common. At Farrell Disability Law, we help clients get the maximum benefits they are entitled to. For trusted legal guidance throughout the appeals process, contact our Florida long-term disability lawyer and request a consultation in our Orlando or Jacksonville office today.