Category Archives: Veterans Benefits

Qualifying For SSDI Benefits As A U.S. Military Veteran
Military veterans provided a valuable service to this country that often comes at significant physical and mental cost. The likelihood of suffering a disabling injury or developing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is considerably higher for these individuals, and lead many to seek disability benefits when working becomes impossible. While most veterans instinctively turn to… Read More »

Convincing The SSA To Approve Disability Benefits For Fibromyalgia
Obtaining medical confirmation of a disabling condition or illness is a before-and-after moment that marks the time and place a person learns how their life will be drastically altered in the long-term or permanently. Unfortunately, bills and other necessary expenses must still be paid, and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is the option many… Read More »

Disability Benefits and Wounded Military Veterans
Making the decision to join the military and serve one’s country is a big commitment that can bring significant and life-changing consequences if a person is injured in the line of duty. As conflicts in the Middle East continue, more military service personnel will risk the possibility of sustaining significantly- and permanently- disabling physical… Read More »