Disability Benefits For Workers Exposed To Asbestos

Asbestos was previously used in a variety of consumer products. Comprised of fire resistant fibers, this naturally occurring material was eventually linked to different types of respiratory illnesses and restrictions were imposed on widespread use. Today, it is still found in many commercial materials and workers in a variety of fields suffer the ill effects of exposure. If you have an asbestos-related illness, you may qualify for long term disability benefits (LTD). Our Florida long term disability explains common conditions it can cause, symptoms to be alert for, and how to file a claim.
Asbestos-Related Illnesses and Common Symptoms
People who work in the dangerous business of removing asbestos, which is commonly found in paint, insulation, and other building materials of older businesses and homes, are at high risk for developing asbestos-related illnesses. It is also common among construction workers, electricians, ship builders, and people in the manufacturing industry, as well as among firefighters and military members.
The American Lung Association warns that breathing in asbestos fibers can scar the lungs, resulting in mesothelioma and other asbestos-related lung cancers and asbestosis, a chronic respiratory disease. Symptoms of these and other diseases due to asbestos include:
- Feeling out of breath frequently;
- Wheezing and rattling sounds in the lungs;
- A dry, hacking couch;
- Loss of weight;
- Rounding of the fingertips and toes, known as clubbing.
There is no known cure for asbestos exposure. In addition to preventing you from working, related conditions often eventually prove fatal.
Getting Disability Benefits For Asbestos-Related Illnesses
It often takes decades for the ill effects of asbestos-related exposure to appear. This makes obtaining workers’ compensation for your condition challenging. However, you may be entitled to long term disability benefits through your current employer, if you are still able to work. If not, you may be entitled to Social Security disability benefits, provided you have worked within the past ten years and have earned enough work credits. In either case, there are some important steps you need to take:
- Get a firm diagnosis from your doctor of your condition and your disabled status;
- Review the terms of any long term disability policies you have in place and Social Security guidelines to ensure your condition qualifies;
- Get copies of all medical records, detailing any testing and treatment you have undergone;
- Keep a journal documenting how your condition impacts your daily life and get statements from friends or family members.
Let Us Help You Today
Asbestos-related conditions can have serious adverse effects on your health, preventing you from working or engaging in other activities. Long term disability benefits you may be entitled to, either through your current employer or the Social Security Administration, can offset lost income and help ensure you and your family are provided for.
At Farrell Disability Law, we are here to help. We provide the trusted legal guidance clients need in filing for disability and in appealing denied claims. To request a consultation in our office, call or contact our Jacksonville long term disability attorney online today.