Tips For Getting Long Term Disability Benefits If Your Suffer Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
All of us get tired and rundown sometimes and know how hard it is to get through the workday feeling this way. Taking a day off occasionally may be an option for otherwise healthy people. However, when fatigue occurs regularly it could be a sign of something more serious and can have a major impact on your job.
Chronic fatigue syndrome is a common and troubling condition that takes a heavy toll on the sufferer. Unfortunately, it often results in long-term disabilities. Getting the benefits you may be entitled to often proves challenging, so our Florida long-term disability attorney offers a few tips.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Long-Term Disabilities
Chronic fatigue syndrome is a potentially debilitating health condition that is often misunderstood by others. More than just feeling occasionally run down, it can result in a whole host of troubling symptoms. According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, these are likely to include:
- Chronic headaches;
- Low-grade fevers;
- General fatigue and weakness;
- Widespread muscle and joint pain;
- Vision disturbances and sensitivity to light;
- Confusion and difficulty concentrating;
- Memory loss;
- Insomnia and other sleep disorders;
- Mood swings, anxiety, and depression.
These symptoms may occur sporadically at first but can quickly become debilitating. They can prevent you from performing simple household tasks or engaging in your usual hobbies and other activities and may eventually impact your ability to perform even simple tasks on your job.
Getting The Long-Term Disability Benefits You Are Entitled To
Chronic fatigue syndrome is similar to having a constant and severe case of the flu. It can eventually prevent you from working on a long-term basis. As impacts are likely to last for a year or more, you may be entitled to long-term disability benefits available either through your employer or the Social Security Administration (SSA).
Unfortunately, obtaining disability benefits for chronic fatigue syndrome often proves challenging. One of the biggest obstacles is getting a firm diagnosis of your condition. The Mayo Clinic advises that rather than relying on standard tests, doctors typically make this diagnosis based on the number and severity of symptoms and how long they occur. This can end up taking a considerable amount of time. To protect yourself and your rights to long-term disability benefits, follow these tips:
- Attend doctor visits regularly;
- Follow all recommended testing and treatment recommendations;
- Report new or worsening symptoms immediately;
- Keep copies of all medical records;
- Keep a journal detailing the impacts your condition has on you at home and on the job;
- Find a doctor who specializes in chronic fatigue syndrome and who is better equipped to provide a firm diagnosis.
Contact Our Florida Long-Term Disability Attorney
If chronic fatigue syndrome is impacting your health and your ability to work, reach out to Farrell Disability Law. We provide the trusted and professional legal guidance you need to get the disability benefits you deserve. Give us a call or contact our Jacksonville long-term disability attorney online to request a consultation in our office today.