Preparing Now To File A Social Security Disability Claim In The Year Ahead

It is difficult coming to terms with the fact that a chronic injury, illness, or other medical condition is progressing to the point that it interferes with daily activities. Unfortunately, there are a number of health issues that can result in long term disabilities. If you are eventually unable to work, you may be entitled to Social Security disability benefits. While the current focus may be on the holidays, make it your goal to prepare now for any claims you may need to file in the new year ahead.
Determining Your Eligibility To Social Security Disability Benefits
Social security disability insurance (SSDI) benefits can provide you with a steady source of income in the event long term disabilities prevent you from working. Even if you have long term disability (LTD) benefits available through your employer, many policies require you to file for SSDI first, before making any kind of decision in regards to your claim.
One of the first steps to take now if you suffer an injury or chronic health condition that is likely to leave you disabled in the future is to determine whether you are eligible for benefits. Under Social Security Administration (SSA), qualifications include:
- You must have worked at a job or jobs that were covered by Social Security;
- You must have earned enough work credits, which are based on your yearly wages;
- You must have a qualify disability that prevents you from performing your job and is expected to last for a year or longer;
- You must complete a Social Security disability application and provide evidence of your condition.
Preparing Now For Future Long Term Disabilities
It can be difficult coming to terms with the prospect of long term disabilities but you are not alone. Statistics from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicate that roughly one in four Americans suffer some sort of impairment that impacts their ability to perform certain functions and tasks. Accidental injuries, chronic conditions such as diabetes, respiratory problems, or heart disease, and mental health issues can all slowly chip away at your health and eventually prevent you from working.
The time to begin planning is now, before you actually need long term disability benefits. Spend some time over the course of the next few weeks and appraise whether you may need to stop working in the year ahead. Steps you can take to prepare include:
- Visit your doctor regularly, so that your condition is clearly documented;
- Keep your own records in regards to tests, treatments, and medications you take;
- Maintain a journal detailing how your condition impacts your ability to perform tasks both at work and at home;
- Review any long term disability benefits you may have in place through your employer.
Let Us Help You Today
To protect your rights to disability benefits, reach out to Farrell Disability Law. We provide the legal guidance you need to help ensure your disability claim is approved. Contact our Orlando Social Security disability attorney and request a consultation in our office today.